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ACFA Student Handbook

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STUDENT HANDBOOKVersion 2.3Contact UsAustralian Cabinet and Furniture Association (ACFA) RTO Code - 90432PO Box 157GOSFORD NSW2250 AustraliaPhone: 1300 342 248 or (02) 43 40 2000Email:[email protected]:

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ACFA Student HandbookWelcome to Australian Cabinet and Furniture Association(ACFA)Thank you for choosing Australian Cabinet and Furniture Association (ACFA) as yourtraining provider and allowing us to play a role in your learning journey.We pride ourselves on professional, flexible learning and providing you with the bestexperience possible to attain your learning goals.We hope you are looking forward to your learning and growing your skills and experiencein your chosen field. We are here to help you make the most of your learning. Good luck.I look forward to hearing of your achievements and providing support where I can. I trustyou will enjoy your time with us and wish you every success in your learning.CEO,Dean Brakell.ACFA Student Handbook 2 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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TABLE OF CONTENTSSection 1 INTRODUCTION 5Australian Cabinet and Furniture Association (ACFA) – RTO Code 90432 5Service Commitment 6Consumer Protection 6Change of terms and conditions 6Training Programs 6Enrolment 8Unique Student Identifier 8Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) 8Special Needs 9Section 2 - STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 10Assessment 10Attendance 13Behaviour 13Breaks 14Change of personal details 14Disciplinary Processes 14Duty of Care 15Evaluation and Feedback 15Learning Materials 15Learner Support services 16Making the Most of your Training 18Mobile Phones 18Security 18Section 3 COURSE INFORMATION 19Accredited Training Programs 19Competency 19Evidence 20Assessment 20Principles of Assessment 21Rules of Evidence and Assessment 22Course Assessment 23Presentation of Assessments / Assignments 23Assessment results 23Reasonable adjustments 23Extensions for Assessment 24Certificates 24Types of Certification 24Course Delivery 24Flexible Delivery 25Recognition 25Recognition Process 26Recognition Decision 26ACFA Student Handbook 3 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Credit Transfer / Mutual Recognition 27Trainer and Assessors 27Section 4 POLICIES 28Access and Equity 28Appeals 28Student Records 28Complaints 28Course Fees 29Flexible payment options 29Paper based learning guides 29Outstanding Learner Fees 29Cancellation & Transfers 29Treatment of Records on Ceasing Operation 29Equal Opportunity 30Rights and Responsibilities 30Complaints 31Privacy 31Refund Policy 32Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) 32Duty of Care 32Staff, contractors, students and visitors: 33Accidents, Injuries and Near Misses 33Investigating incidents and accidents 33Legislations and Standards 34ACFA Student Handbook 4 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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SECTION 1 INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this handbook is to provide you with a quick reference about training programs,policies and processes, roles and responsibilities guiding you through your learning experiencewith ACFA.Australian Cabinet and Furniture Association (ACFA) – RTO Code 90432Thank you for considering training with ACFA.ACFA is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) registered with the Australian Skills QualityAuthority (ASQA).ACFA aims to deliver high quality, innovative and engaging training that is relevant to students,employers and industry. Our commitment to continuous improvement means we are constantlydeveloping and improving new resources, processes and facilitation methods to remain ahead intechnology and industry standards. We strive for excellence in Vocational Education & Training andaspire to actively encourage our new apprentices / trainees to exceed industry expectations so theycan reach outstanding success, showcasing the many skills of their chosen industry craft.With over twenty years of experience providing training and support to the industry and anestablished and integrated network of support services our training programs ensure that you are:● trained and competent● up to date with current industry trends and technologies● familiar with your business and its operations.Traineeships and apprenticeships are available throughout NSW (Funded) and ACT, Victoria andQueensland (Fee-for-service) through ACFA and can be tailored to meet our client’s individualneeds, making it relevant for their workplace and business requirements.We take a holistic approach to our training by developing individualised training programs thatmeet the needs of the workplace and the requirements of accredited training.In line with that ACFA:● develops training plans that best reflects our client’s business● uses client machinery and methods to produce our clients’ desired product● offers flexible scheduling of training and assessment visits● conducts skills development incorporating current industry trends and trade practices● conducts one-on-one contact with the apprentice and a direct supervisor● uses real work projects and workplace assessments● implements recognition of current skills, knowledge and work experience.ACFA ensures that apprentices and trainees and/or employers:● get one-on-one contact with an ACFA trainer / assessor● receive real time updates on how apprentices are progressing● considers the learner and employer’s input in their ongoing training and development.ACFA’s Head office and Postal address is located:Head Office Postal AddressUnit 1-2 Sailfind Place PO Box 157Somersby NSW 2250 Gosford NSW 2250Phone:1300 342 248 or 02 4340 2000ACFA Student Handbook 5 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Service CommitmentACFA is committed to providing quality training and assessment services to its learners.We aim to:Provide training and assessment services that meet industry needs and trends.● Deliver high quality, innovative and engaging training.● Maintain a person-centred approach.● Foster relationships with our students, supporting them through their career.● Provide flexible learning opportunities.● Provide a supportive, facilitative and open learning environment.● Ensure all training is delivered by qualified trainers and assessors with the necessary skillsand experience.● Ensure all training is continually monitored and improved.● Maintain a healthy and effective learning environment for students.● Produce competent and confident workers that benefit the community and industry.ACFA DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES OFFER ANY INCENTIVES OR GUARANTEEEMPLOYMENT ON COMPLETION OF TRAINING.Consumer ProtectionACFA maintains compliance with the national Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) andassociated Australian Consumer Law requirements as specified in the Act and in various statelegislation across Australia. The Australian Consumer Law Protects students and ensures fairtrading in Australia.For full details see our Consumer Protection Policy.Change of terms and conditionsACFA reserves the right to amend the conditions of the participant’s enrolment at any time. Ifamendments are made that affect the participant’s enrolment the participant will be informed 7days prior to changes taking effect. Participants then have 21 days to submit an appeal from thedate they were informed of the decision. Further information about appealing a decision iscontained in the Appeals Policy.Training ProgramsACFA delivers a range of training programs, both accredited and non-accredited, which weconduct as public courses or customised for students and industry. Our holistic approach ensuresstudents’ needs are met. Accredited programs have been approved by the State and /orCommonwealth Government.ACFA has been servicing NSW and ACT with excellent results since 1997 and has been expandinginto Victoria since 2022 (Currently only Fee-for-service). This is demonstrated through consistentpositive feedback received from companies within the industry, reinforcing the effectiveness ofACFA workplace training and assessment delivery. With a variety of training programs available,clients can select a program that specifically meets their workplace or personal requirements.ACFA Student Handbook 6 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Types of training on offer include:TraineeshipsTraineeships provide the training requirements for people commencing work in their chosenindustry or existing employees wishing to have their skills recognised.Trainees are trained on thejob by their employer, with flexible study arrangements that makeTraineeships a cost-effective andflexible training method tailored to suit individual industry needs.ApprenticeshipsStarting an apprenticeship is an effective and exciting way to enter the furnishing and furniturerelated industries. Apprenticeships offer a practical approach to training. As an apprentice, youreceive payment as an employee while being trained by qualified industry and training/teachingprofessionals.Apprenticeships are available to both:● New workers entering the workforce seeking a trade qualification (including junioremployees)● Adult workers who have no formal industry qualification, but who have several years ofindustry work experienceRecognition ProgramsRecognition of Prior Learning (RPL) programs are available to people currently working in theindustry that have not had their skills, knowledge and experience formally recognised.RPL is an assessment process that providescandidates with credit for skills, knowledge andexperience gained through working and learning. It can be gained at any stage of their lives,through formal, non-formal and informal learning, in Australia or overseas, through work activities.It has all the same requirements as other types of assessment.It involves collecting evidence andmaking judgements on whether competence has been achieved. Evidence can be collected through (but are not limited too):● Resumes/CV● Work Examples● Observations● Questioning● Logbooks         ● Competency conversations● Examination of past work history● Formal Trade Tests / licences● Workplace Photos/Videos● References/Letters from employersTailored Workplace Training ProgramsFor businesses looking to develop their workforce and enhance current business practices, ACFAcan develop individually tailored business training and development programs focussing on thesekey areas. Programs can be both part of accredited and non-accredited training dependent on therequirements of your workplace. For more information on how we can assist your business, contactour office on (02) 4340 2000 or 1300 342 248 or email[email protected] Student Handbook 7 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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QualificationsBelow are the qualifications we currently offer through our various training programs.Certificate II programs● MSF20322 Certificate II in Cabinet Making and Timber TechnologyCertificate III programs● MSF30322 Certificate III in Cabinet Making and Timber Technology - Kitchens andBathrooms● MSF30322 Certificate III in Cabinet Making and Timber Technology - Furniture● MSF30322 Certificate III in Cabinet making - Wood MachiningSkill Set programs● MSFSS00014 Kitchen and Bathroom Installer Licence(This skill set is the Kitchen, bathroom and laundry renovation licences - NSW Fair Trading)EnrolmentTo enrol in a training program your employer will need to contact their local Apprenticeship centreto organise a visit to come out and sign you (the student) up. They will then pass the contract on tous (ACFA) so we can start the enrolment process.Student InductionOnce the contract is received from the Apprenticeship centre, an Online Enrolment Session (viaZoom, FaceTime or other app) will be scheduled with the Student Liaison Officer (SLO) tocomplete enrolment forms, Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment and discusscommencement of training.Unique Student IdentifierAn initiative of the Australian Government is the requirement for all students of VocationalEducation and Training to supply a Unique Student Identifier (USI) number to their VET provider.Students can be assisted by ACFA to apply for and supply their USI. ACFA has a registered facility toverify each USI before issuance of any certification. All students should be aware that neither ACFAnor any other VET provider can issue a certificate for a VET qualification without being supplied astudent’s USI.Exemptions to the USI requirements may apply, even for international students studying withinAustralia or overseas. For any student exempt from supplying a USI, completion results and recordswill not be available through the Commonwealth Registrar.Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)ACFA makes appropriate concessions for language, literacy, and numeracy issues of studentswhere these concessions do not compromise the requirements of the relevant Training Packageand the validity, flexibility, reliability and fairness of assessment.Prior to enrolment, ACFA will request participants undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy(LLN) assessment as per the Australian Core Skills Foundations (ACSF) requirements. Theassessment identifies participant’s core skills in Reading, Writing and Numeracy to assist withtargeting areas of learning that may require additional learner support and, in some cases,ACFA Student Handbook 8 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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participants who are unable to reach the benchmark required to undertake a course at the level inwhich they are seeking enrolment.The initial assessment is completed online through LLN Robot. Participants will be assessed toACSF Level 3. Participants requiring enrolment in a Certificate III qualification will require aminimum outcome of Level 2 in each core skill. Participants requiring enrolment in a Certificate IIqualification will require a minimum outcome of Level 1 in each core skill.If the benchmark is not achieved in the LLN Robot assessment, an additional paper-basedassessment will be provided to the participant to complete. Along with an informal discussion, anACFA representative can determine eligibility and learner support requirements. If ineligible toenrol in the level in which seeking enrolment, a lower level enrolment will be recommended.ACFA will ensure that if reasonable adjustment is applied it will not impact the integrity of thetraining package requirements.ACFA provides materials, resources and assessment tasks at a level of complexity required and alsoprovides opportunities for repeated and supported practice.Reading Writing National HotlineIndividuals who want to get help with their literacy and numeracy can access information aboutthe nearest LLN provider by calling the Reading Writing Hotline on 1300 655 506. You can call theHotline at any time. If a teacher is unavailable to take your call, your name and number will betaken by the hotline paging service and your call will be returned.The Reading Writing Hotline is funded by the Australian Government. For the price of a local callfrom anywhere in Australia, the Hotline can provide you with advice as well as a referral to one of1200 providers of courses in adult literacy and numeracy.For more information about the Reading Writing Hotline, please visit NeedsStudents intending to enrol for training with the ACFA are requested to advise us if they have anyphysical or other impairment (e.g., English language, literacy or numeracy difficulties, dyslexia, etc.)which may adversely affect their ability to successfully undertake training and assessment, prior toenrolment.Students with disabilities or impairments are encouraged to discuss with the Student LiaisonOfficer (SLO) and/or Trainer/Assessor any ‘special needs’ and/or ‘reasonable adjustments’ to thestudy environment which they consider are necessary or would assist them in the performance oftheir studies.The Training Manager, in collaboration with the student, will assess the potential for the student tosuccessfully complete the training which may include flexible delivery options to optimise the easeand benefit of the student’s learning.ACFA Student Handbook 9 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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SECTION 2 - STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIESACFA conducts training courses to suit individual student needs, course type, and learning styles.The following student etiquette guidelines will help foster a healthy learning environment for allstudents.AssessmentAll assessments (modules) must be submitted online by the due date. If you encounter difficulty incompleting an assessment, you should discuss it with your trainer/assessor well in advance of thedue date. This way the trainer/assessor may be able to offer support or grant additional time.Please note that there may be conditions or penalties to getting a request for an extensionapproved. (See Training and Assessment Policy: Annex B - Unsatisfactory Training Progress -Additional Fees Policy)Assessment malpracticeAssessment malpractice includes cheating, collusion, and plagiarism.ACFA regards the integrity of assessment as critical to its professional responsibilities as an RTOand therefore strives to ensure the assessment processes are not compromised. ACFA has policiesand procedures in place for dealing with assessment malpractice.● Cheating - All assessments must be 100% your own work. The use and/or submission ofanother person’s work as if it were your own is cheating and will not be tolerated.● Collusion - Collusion is the presentation of work, which is the result in whole or in part ofunauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. It is your responsibility toensure that other students do not have an opportunity to copy your work.● Plagiarism - Copying from a published work (including the internet), without properlyreferencing the source material, will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to:o presenting work which has been copied in whole or in part from another person’swork or from any other source such as the Internet, published books, and periodicalso systematically re-wording or changing key nouns and verbs.To avoid plagiarism, a student must be careful to cite all referenced content in his/her work.o Always cite other people’s work properly. You may quote from someone else'swork (for example, from websites, textbooks, journals or other publishedmaterials) but you must always indicate the author and source of yourreferenced material.o Always cite your sources. You should name sources for any graphs, tables,other representation of data, and/or any kind of primary data that may beincluded in anything you submit.o You must not copy someone else's work and present it as your own.o You must not falsify assessment evidence.ACFA Student Handbook 10 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Unsatisfactory Training ProgressionACFA is passionate about providing quality training and assessment to our learners (apprentices)by continuing to improve our delivery, processes and procedures.Along with supporting our learners’ progress for completion of their qualification within theircontract term, ACFA must ensure all stakeholders within the contract abide by their responsibilitieswithin legislation under the NSW Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001. Therefore, it is essentialthe training plan, which all stakeholders have read and signed, be followed and units completed bytheir assigned end dates. This is to ensure the contract end date is not at risk or compromised.ACFA are committed to providing ongoing support to our learners to ensure satisfactory progressthroughout their training contract. An apprenticeship is adult-based learning therefore it is theapprentice’s responsibility to contact their trainer and assessor if they feel that they are strugglingand/or are concerned about meeting their assessment due date.If a learner does not complete their training prior to the contract end date, there may becommercial fees applied if non completion is due to the non-compliance of structured training inthe workplace.To ensure training is kept on track, the following disciplinary process regarding incomplete unit ofcompetencies will be implemented as of the 1st of October 2020.Incomplete Units of competency by due dates:● First occurrence - If the learner has not completed assigned units by their due date, theACFA trainer/assessor will discuss with both the learner and employer to determine thereason for non-completion. If there is not a valid reason for non-completion, both will beverbally advised that the units must be completed at the next visit or further disciplinaryaction will take place.● Second occurrence – if the learner has yet to complete the assigned units by their due date,ACFA will issue a first warning letter to the learner and employer as a reminder of theirtraining contract obligations.● Third occurrence - if the assigned units have yet to be completed, ACFA Head Office willissue a second warning letter. In turn, this will trigger a ‘notification of issue’ to TrainingServices NSW. This will result in a Not Yet Competent result in the Unit of Competency. Additional fees will apply to repeat units. See fees below.[1] RTOs are required to notify Training Services NSW of any matter that may affect thesuccessful completion of an apprenticeship or traineeship for which they are the nominatedRTORepeat an assessment or unit of competencyIf a learner is unable to complete a Unit of Competency that is required to achieve the qualification,the learner has the option to:● Repeat the assessment or● Repeat Unit of Competency (full)ACFA Student Handbook 11 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Repeat assessment/s processLearners will be provided three (3) attempts to complete their assessments tasks. If a learner isunable to complete their assessment/s or is deemed ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ in the assessment afterone (1) attempt and two (2) re-submissions, the learner will be required to repeat the assessment/sat an additional fee (refer to the fee scale below). Upon receipt of the additional fee, the learner will be provided an additional one (1) attempt tocomplete the assessment/s. If the learner is deemed ‘Not Yet Competent after submitting theadditional attempt, the learner will be offered to repeat the Unit of Competency (full) at anadditional fee.Repeat Unit of Competency (full)If a learner receives a ‘Not Yet Competent’ on two (2) occasions, the learner will be offered to repeatthe Unit of Competency (full) at an additional feeFee scale - Repeat assessments or Unit of Competency Repeat typeDefinitionStudent FeeRepeating anassessmentThis includes:● Written assessmentmodules● CompetencyConversations● WorkplaceObservationsThis fee is applicablefor assessment only,where no additionaltraining is requiredto be delivered.$120 per assessmentRepeat enrolmentfor full Unit ofCompetency(Training andassessment)This fee is applicablewhere the full unit ofcompetency isrequired to betrained andassessed.$500 Per Unit ofCompetencyNon-completion by end of training contractTraining and Assessment provided to an apprentice is funded by the NSW government under atraining contract. If an apprentice has not completed his/her qualification by the contract end date,the funding may cease. ACFA will apply for an extension to Training Services NSW to allow fundingto continue, however ACFA cannot guarantee the extension will be granted.If an apprentice’s contract has ceased and an extension is not granted, commercial fees will apply ifthe apprentice chooses to continue their training to achieve the full qualification (see fees below). Amount of unit remaining to bedeliveredStudent FeeUp to 6 units of competency$500 per unitIn excess of 6 units of competencyACFA Head office to review on a caseby case basis.ACFA Student Handbook 12 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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AttendanceAs part of the apprenticeship-training contract, you are required to complete a minimum of 3hours of training in your workplace each week for the purpose of undertaking formal training,learning, and assessment activities. Your Trainer / Assessor will identify key areas in yourassessment results that will require further training. This will then need to be documented andsigned off as completed on your Workplace Logbooks, along with other relevant tasks that you arerequired to undertake as part of your role.Adherence to scheduled training is paramount to successful completion of learning andassessment outcomes. Students are expected to attend all scheduled training sessions. It isexpected that students will be present and remain for the full duration of each scheduled trainingvisit.All training and assessment sessions are designed to provide students the essential knowledgeand skills required for relevant units of competency. It is expected, however, that studentsundertake additional reading and research if advised by your trainer/assessor in agreeance withyour employer. If you are absent from a training session, it is your responsibility to catch up on anywork you have missed. If you are going to be absent from a training session, assessment visit oractivity, please advise your trainer/assessor or ACFA administration personnel as early as possible.Other arrangements will be made to ensure you are kept up to date with your training.PunctualityAs a courtesy to other learners and the trainer/assessor, all students must be punctual onscheduled training sessions. Punctuality shows respect and is essential to avoid disruption of otherstudents and the trainer/assessor.BehaviourStudents are expected to always behave appropriately in a mature and professional manner.All students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour duringtraining and assessment. Misconduct will not be tolerated.Misconduct includes:● Any offensive conduct or unlawful activity (e.g. theft, fraud, violence, assault).● Interfering with another person’s property.● Removing, damaging or mistreating ACFA property or equipment.● Cheating/plagiarism● Interfering with another person’s ability to learn through disruptions during training.● Breach of confidentiality.● Inappropriate language.● Serious negligence, including WHS non-compliance.● Discrimination, harassment, intimidation or victimisation.● Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol and being unfit to participate in learningactivities.ACFA Student Handbook 13 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Respect for othersIt is expected that the behaviour of all persons in the learning environment ensure a positivelearning experience. Respect for other students and the trainer/assessor is expected.ACFA retains the right at all times to remove disruptive students from the training environment.● You will be expected to treat staff and fellow students with respect and observe any studentetiquette requirements which appear in this handbook or requested during the course by atrainer/assessor.● Inappropriate language and actions will not be tolerated.● Harassment, bullying and intimidation of staff or fellow learners will not be tolerated.● Treat facilities and equipment with due care and respect.● You are required to respect the rights of others and treat others in a manner that is fair andnon-discriminatory.BreaksWorkplace Based LearningYour trainer and/or employer will advise of timing for all breaks. This would usually conform to theworkplace’s daily break schedule.Classroom Based Learning (If Applicable)Your trainer will advise of timing for all breaks. Typically the following break times have beenallocated, though they may vary:● 15 minutes duration for - Morning and afternoon tea breaks● 45 minutes duration for - Lunch breaksChange of personal detailsStudents are required to ensure their personal details recorded with ACFA are always up to date.Should your circumstances or details change please contact ACFA Administration by emailingACFA [email protected] or request access to Personal Details Form on aXcelerate.Disciplinary ProcessesACFA may implement student discipline processes should a student be found to be actinginappropriately, due to misconduct or assessment malpractice. Any breaches of discipline willresult in the person being given a ‘verbal warning’. For students undertaking apprenticeships andtraineeships the discipline process undertaken will be in agreeance with the employer at all times.If matters are not resolved at the RTO and employer level, the matter will then be referred to therelevant state training authority to intervene.Further disciplinary processes may include:● The student being asked to justify why they should continue to participate in training.● Involving the State Training Authority to intervene and resolve issues. This may includemediation, warnings, suspension or cancellation of training.ACFA Student Handbook 14 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Dress & Hygiene RequirementsStudents are to be well presented and appropriately dressed during all training. Dressrequirements include:● Appropriate work attire, including personal protective clothing (PPE) for training inworkplace or simulated environments● Appropriate footwear must be worn at all timesSince you will be working in close proximity with others, care with your personal hygiene (clothing,hair, deodorant, etc.) is requested.Duty of CareUnder Workplace Health and Safety Legislation, students have a duty of care to maintain a safeenvironment for both themselves and their fellow students and employees.● Should you be involved in an accident which results in personal injury and/or damage toequipment or facilities, notify your trainer/assessor immediately.● If you have a prior health condition that may become critical while attending training,please advise us before commencing the course. All information will be treated in strictconfidence and is only needed so ACFA can provide support or treatment should anemergency arise.● Emergency procedures and exit plans must be followed.You have a duty to:● Protect your own health and safety and to avoid adversely affecting the health and safety ofany other person● Not wilfully or recklessly interfere or misuse anything provided by ACFA in the interests ofhealth, safety and welfare● Cooperate with health and safety directives given by staff of ACFA● Ensure that you are not under the influence of drugs or alcoholEvaluation and FeedbackACFA values all feedback from students as it assists us to continuously improve the products andservices we offer. Students are encouraged to provide us with feedback, both positive andconstructive. ACFA has developed the Opportunity for Improvement Form, which you may use toprovide us feedback. You may access it through this linkOpportunity for Improvement FormThank you in advance for your comments.Learning MaterialsStudents receive a copy of training and /or assessment materials online as part of the course fee.Hard copy training and assessment materials (Paper-based) are available at a cost of $500 per year.Should you lose or misplace the materials you are provided, additional fees for replacement ofmaterials may be incurred.ACFA Student Handbook 15 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Learner Support servicesACFA understands that there may be times when personal issues may affect your ability toundertake your training. ACFA has identified a number of support services for students who havespecial needs or require additional support and assistance to undertake or complete their learning.For more information on learner support please review ACFA’sAdditional Support PolicyCategorySupportUnderstanding ofcourse expectations◻ providing clear information on cost of course and additional expenses◻ providing information on personal equipment required or providing the equipment◻ offering RPL◻ providing workplace information◻ providing attendance & participation informationCultural support◻ People from all social and cultural backgrounds will be equally treated and duerespect will be given to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.Disability support◻ Offering students with a recognised disability the necessary support services to meettheir individual needs physically and academically through reasonable adjustmentsin accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act Education Standards;◻ Development of individual access plan. (if required)Personalissues/Family Support◻ Flexibility to accommodate personal barriers;◻ Identified staff member who can provide referral to support agencies;◻ Referral arrangements for LSS◻ Offering student support when they are dealing with family issues.Further study oremploymenttransitions◻ Assistance with acclimatising to formal study environment/course expectations;◻ Assistance with obtaining vocational placements;◻ Liaison with employment services providerInformationTechnology (IT)support◻ For some courses students are provided with access to online materials through anonline Learning Management System (LMS) (aXcelerate) these students are providedwith materials which support students to access these resources;◻ Providing the support to assist students in applying IT skills relevant to the trainingprogram by the RTO internal IT staff or qualified/experienced trainers.Language, Literacy &Numeracy (LLN)support◻ Identified by the student conducting an LLN online assessment during theenrolment process where students are assessed against the ACSF levels for thequalification they are studying.Mentoring/Coaching◻ Assisting students by offering a structured mentoring or coaching program byhighly qualified trainers or other RTO staff.ProfessionalCounselling◻ Referring students to professional external counselling services.Study support◻ Students are provided with guidance and resources to assist and guide them duringself-based study.Work-based trainingsupport◻ Offering support when a student is undertaking workplace learning andassessment.Financial Support◻ Flexible payment arrangements/ options will accommodate individualcircumstances.ACFA Student Handbook 16 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Deliverymethodologies◻ Varying teaching and learning methodologies; flexible assessment options toaccommodate personal barriers.Learning support◻ Support to assist different learner styles by providing strategies such as additionaltime to complete the course and assessment, contextualised resources, additionalactivities to assist in understanding or facilitation/teaching approach. (See belowtable for more details on Learner Support).Learner difficultyReasonable adjustmentsMaintainingconcentration◻ additional time◻ access to a scribe◻ split sessions◻ separate assessment venueExpressingknowledge in writing◻ additional time◻ access to a scribe◻ multiple choice and short answer questions in preference to long answer questions◻ models and practical examples◻ oral assessmentSpelling and/orgrammar◻ additional time◻ access to a scribe◻ oral assessment◻ an audiotape or dictaphone◻ a personal computer with spelling and grammar checkers, dictionaries, thesauruses◻ special equipment◻ multiple choice and short answer questions in preference to long answer questions◻ models and practical examples for the learner to demonstrate what he/she means◻ other assessment methods such as taped interviews, slide presentations,photographic essays or modelsNumbers andnumerical concepts◻ additional time◻ allow using a calculatorUnderstandingspoken informationand instructions◻ additional time◻ rest breaks◻ split sessions, on the same or successive days, to prevent the learner working forextended periods◻ simple direct language◻ instructions step-by-step◻ repetition of information given◻ asking the learner to repeat what she/he is required to do to check forunderstanding◻ demonstrating what is requiredCommunicatingorally, for oralassessments◻ additional time◻ access to an interpreter◻ a personal computer with voice synthesiser◻ a reader of the learner’s workEnglish language◻ additional time◻ a dictionary and / or thesaurus◻ a personal computer with spelling and grammar checker, dictionary and thesaurus◻ a scribe or assistance with writingACFA Student Handbook 17 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Making the Most of your TrainingIt is very important to make the most of your training opportunity. Your trainer and assessor willadvise you of what is expected of you and what deadlines you must meet. Please note it is yourresponsibility to ensure you meet the expected due dates to ensure you keep on track of yourtraining. To optimise your own learning and successful completion, it is suggested that you do thefollowing:● Attend all training sessions and complete all required reading and learning activities● Prepare well in advance of each training session● Be a willing participant● Work with fellow learners and/or your trainer and assessor● Respect other people’s opinions● Ensure you have a clear understanding of the assessment requirements● Take responsibility for the quality of evidence that you submit to the Assessor● Keep track of your progress● Complete and submit all assessment on time, tasks using clear and concise language● Be willing to contact your trainer/assessor if you do not understand the training activity orassessment task.Mobile PhonesAll phones must be turned off during training, as a courtesy to the trainer/assessor and/or otherstudents. In an emergency where you need to be contacted, please advise your trainer/assessor sothat arrangements can be made.SecurityDo not leave handbags or other valuables unattended. Although the workplace or building may bereasonably secure, you are ultimately responsible for your own belongings. ACFA accepts noresponsibility for any belongings which may be stolen or missing.ACFA Student Handbook 18 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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SECTION 3 COURSE INFORMATIONCourse RequirementAs a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), ACFA complies with the Standards for RegisteredTraining Organisations (SRTOs) 2015 as set by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). ACFAalso complies with the operating guidelines and funding contract requirements of Smart andSkilled (New South Wales) for Traineeships and Apprenticeships. All training and assessmentservices provided to students follow policies and processes developed to meet the VET QualityFramework and SRTOs 2015 and the operating guidelines and funding contract requirements ofNSW.Accredited Training ProgramsAccredited programs are competency based which means that training and assessment focus onthe development and recognition of a person’s ability to apply relevant knowledge and skills toperform workplace tasks to a specified National Standard.The specific skills and knowledge required for a particular workplace activity are set out in Units ofCompetency which can be grouped together to formulate the completion of a nationallyrecognised qualification. Nationally recognised qualifications are outlined in Training Packages.These can be viewed qualification has a list of employability skills which describe the non-technical skills andcompetencies that are important for effective and successful participation in the workforce. Foreach qualification there are specific employability skills listed under the following headings:● Communication● Teamwork● Problem solving● Initiative and enterprise● Planning and organising● Self-management● Learning● TechnologyThese employability skills will be part of the assessment requirements of all nationally accreditedcourses.CompetencyIt is important to note that the rules and requirements of a Unit of Competency and a qualificationare applied to all students regardless of where they are, or the mode of training delivery provided.You could be a full-time student in a classroom or the workplace, or you could be applying forrecognition of prior learning (RPL) of the skills and knowledge currently held.Each Unit of Competency is made up of the following:● Elements● Performance criteria● Required knowledge evidence and performance evidence of skills● A range of variables● Critical aspects of evidence● Any pre or co requisites (if applicable)To be deemed Competent in any Unit of Competency you must be able to provide evidence of therequired skills and knowledge to complete work tasks to the standard that is required in theACFA Student Handbook 19 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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workplace. Skills need to be demonstrated in a range of situations and environments (which couldinclude simulated applications in a learning environment) over a period of time.EvidenceEvidence is the material proof that you have performed the specified competency or task to therequired standard. Your evidence requirements will be determined by the Unit of Competency,employability skill requirements, industry expectations, Government regulations, and yourqualifications and current experience. Evidence can take many forms and you will be required topresent more than just one piece of evidence.Assessment tools that we will provide to you set out the exact requirements for evidence for eachunit/module.Examples of evidence could include one or more (but not limited to) of the following:● Specific assessments tasks set by your Assessor● Observation reports● Certificates and awards● Examples of work completed or special projects● Current licenses● Position descriptions and performance reviews● Third party reports● Question responses● TestsYour evidence must also demonstrate the following:● That you can do the job or task to the required standard● Understand why the job should be done in a particular way and complete routine activities● Be able to handle unexpected issues or problems as well as find solutions● Work with others ‘in a team’ also work with discretion and judgement in some instances● Do more than one thing at a time, e.g. perform the task and be aware of the occupationalhealth and safety requirements● Know the workplace rules and proceduresAssessmentAssessment is an integral part of your learning if you wish to complete successfully and gaincertification.The assessment process will be explained at induction and throughout your program. Assessorswill also be available to you if you have any questions.Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whethercompetency has been achieved to confirm that an individual can perform to the standardsexpected in the workplace and as expressed in relevant competency standards.Throughout the training program, you will be assessed to see if you have gained the necessaryskills and knowledge to achieve the qualification. Your trainer/assessor is required to ensure thatthe assessment tasks you undertake meet the national principles of assessment and rules ofevidence (see following for more information).ACFA Student Handbook 20 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Various assessments tasks /activities may be involved including, but not limited to:● observation of performance● assignments● written activities● written / oral questioning● oral presentations● workplace performance● projects● case studies● role plays/ simulations● demonstration of skills● online assessments● portfolio of evidenceCertification will only be given to students who successfully complete all assessment requirementsfor a course.ACFA is required to meet stringent quality requirements in the conduct of all assessments.The ACFA has carefully constructed and developed assessment resources to meet these qualityrequirements, as well as be user friendly to students.Principles of AssessmentAssessments will be conducted in accordance with the following principles of assessment.ValidityAny assessment decision of the RTO is justified, based on theevidence of performance of the individual learner.Validity requires:● Assessment against the unit/s of competency and theassociated assessment requirement covers the broadrange of skills and knowledge that are essential tocompetent performance.● Assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated withtheir practical application.● Assessment to be based on evidence thatdemonstrates that a learner could demonstrate theseskills and knowledge in other similar situations; and● Judgement of competence is based on evidence oflearner performance that is aligned to the unit/s ofcompetency and associated assessmentsrequirements.ReliabilityEvidence presented for assessment is consistently interpretedand assessment results are comparable irrespective of theassessor conducting the assessment.FlexibilityAssessment is flexible to the individual learner by:● Reflecting the learner’s needsACFA Student Handbook 21 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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● Assessing competencies held by the Learner no matterhow or where they have been acquired; and● Drawing from a range of assessment methods andusing those that are appropriate to the context, theunit of competency and associated assessmentrequirements, and the individualFairnessThe individual learner’s needs are considered in theassessment process.Where appropriate reasonable adjustments are applied by theRTO to take into account the individual learner’s needs.The RTO informs the learner about the assessment process,and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge theresult of the assessment and be reassessed if necessaryRules of Evidence and AssessmentACFA is required to ensure that all evidence provided by students, as proof of their competency,meets the following “rules of evidence”.ValidityThere is a clear relationship between the evidence requirementsof the unit of competency and the evidence on which theassessment judgement is made. The assessor is assured thatthe learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as describedin the module or unit of competency and associatedassessment requirements.SufficiencyThe performance criteria and evidence guide are addressed;competency over a period-of-time is demonstrated; alldimensions of competency are addressed; competency indifferent contexts is demonstrated. The assessor is assured thatthe quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidenceenables a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency.AuthenticityIt can be verified that the evidence is the candidate’s own work.The assessor is assured that the evidence presented forassessment is the learner’s own work.CurrencyThe evidence demonstrates the candidate’s current knowledgeand skills. The assessor is assured that the assessment evidencedemonstrates current competency. This requires theassessment evidence to be from the present or the very recentpast.ACFA Student Handbook 22 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Course AssessmentThere will be assessment tasks set for each course regardless of the learning mode. Assessmentactivities and expectations will be explained to students and are outlined within learner /assessment resources.Many courses require assessment to be completed after the course, as workplace performance isessential in competency-based learning.Presentation of Assessments / AssignmentsAll assessments, as much as possible, should be typed.● Handwritten assessments are accepted; however, handwriting must be clear and easy toread.● If you are mailing an assignment, it must be received by the due date. ACFA does notaccept responsibility for any lost assignments. Please ensure you keep a copy of yourassignment prior to submission.● All assignments are registered and time stamped as they are received.● We endeavour to assess all assessments within 10 working days of receipt.Assessment resultsStudents have access to their own learning account that will indicate assessments undertaken andthe units of competency that the individual has attained.At the completion of various assessment tasks/activities your assessor will mark yourcompetency-based assessment to which you have performed or answered each question to anappropriate standard. (SeeACFA Assessment Standard for further details).Results of assessment are provided to students as soon as practical. These results are availablethrough your student login account. Assessment results are confidential at all times and will notbe given to any other party unless a written request signed by the student is received in advance.If you have been deemed Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) by your assessor, you will be able to re-submityour assessment tasks/activities a maximum of two additional attempts before you will be deemedNot Yet Competent (NYC). The learner will be required to repeat the assessment/s at an additionalfee (refer to Unsatisfactory Training Progression on page 11 of this student handbook). Reasonable adjustmentsACFA supports the process of adjusting or changing the assessment process to meet the needsand characteristics of the candidates being assessed and any equity requirements.The determination of ‘reasonableness’ requires judgement that must take into account the impacton the organisation and the need to maintain the integrity of the unit of competency.Reasonable adjustment must be approved by the Trainer Manager on a case-by-case basis.ACFA Student Handbook 23 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Extensions for AssessmentIt is expected that all assessment tasks be handed in on the due date. Should you requireadditional time to complete an assessment you must communicate with your assessor to apply foran extension at least seven (7) days prior.CertificatesTypes of CertificationIn general, four types of certificates can be issued by ACFA. Certificates can only be awarded byACFA in accordance with our approved qualification scope.● Qualification – issued under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) for nationallyrecognised training. Full qualifications can only be issued once the student has beendeemed competent across all the relevant units of competency making up thequalification.● Statement of Attainment (SOA) – issued under the Australian Qualification Framework(AQF) for nationally recognised training. Issued when a student is deemed competent in aunit or a cluster of units of competency. Minimum achievement for SOA is one unit ofcompetency. You can request a SOA at any time during your training.● Record of Results – accompanies a qualification issued under the Australian QualificationFramework (AQF) for nationally recognised training. This document supplements thequalification listing all units of competency achieved for the qualification.● Certificate of Attendance – for non-nationally recognised training also known asnon-accredited training. Issued when a student attends a short course that is not withinthe Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). To receive a Certificate of Attendance, thestudent must have a satisfactory attendance rate.Certificates will only be posted to students at their nominated postal address as shown in ACFA’sStudent Management System (SMS). The details in ACFA’s SMS come from the student’s enrolmentform, so it is the student’s responsibility to ensure their address details are correct.Certificates will not be sent to other parties, without the expressed prior written permission fromthe student. Duplicate or replacement copies of certificates incur a fee.Course DeliveryACFA ensures the following resources are in place:● Trainer and Assessors with appropriate qualifications, and experience● Course materials appropriate to the methods of delivery and assessment requirements● All necessary copyright authorisations● Appropriate equipment and facilitiesTraining and assessment methods used by ACFA meet specific quality requirements and arechosen to best suit the unit of competency, while giving consideration to the learning style of thestudent. The provision of training often includes a blended approach with a combination of on andoff-the-job methods.A number of delivery methods will be used throughout the training to help you achieve thenecessary skills. Learning is a partnership that involves participation from all involved.ACFA Student Handbook 24 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Delivery methods may include, but are not limited to:● workplace based training● Practical demonstrations● audio/visual presentations● group participation/ discussions● trainer/facilitator instruction● practical activities● self-paced activities● individual projects● case studiesFlexible DeliveryFlexible delivery focuses on learning rather than teaching and to provide the best possible learningexperience for the student. This means that the student has greater control over what, when andhow they learn.ACFA offers various forms of delivery to accommodate the varying needs of students. Modes ofdelivery available for most courses include classroom (face-to-face) environment, workplace–based, correspondence, on-line, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or a combination of these.(subject to availability)RecognitionRecognition is the collective term and includes:● Recognition of Prior learning (RPL)● Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) and● Mutual Recognition (MR) more commonly known as Credit transfer (CT)All students have the opportunity to apply for recognition. This means that you can submitevidence for a Unit(s) of Competency and have it assessed by a qualified Assessor withoutcompleting the training.ACFA believes that no learner should be required to undertake a unit of competency for which theyare already able to demonstrate satisfactory achievement of the performance outcomes, as statedin the endorsed training package or nationally recognised course.ACFA aims to maximise the recognition of a learner’s prior skills and knowledge whilst at all timesmaintaining the integrity and standards of the defined learning outcomes of the specificqualification or course of study. Students who consider they already possess the competenciesidentified in all or part of any course/qualification offered by ACFA may seek recognition.If you think you have the necessary knowledge and skills to match a Unit(s) of Competency or aqualification at the required standard you need to contact our Admissions officer at Head Office on1300 342 248 or (02) 4340 2000 or email [email protected] who will provide the informationyou need to complete an application.ACFA Student Handbook 25 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Recognition ProcessRecognition is a method of assessing if you have evidence of competency for a particular unit ofcompetency that you are enrolled in. It is important to remember that Recognition is anassessment process not an assumption of competence.Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) means an assessment process that assesses thecompetency/s of an individual that may have been acquired through formal, non-formal andinformal learning to determine the extent to which that individual meets the requirementsspecified in the training package or VET accredited courses.A. Formal learning refers to learning that takes place through a structured program ofinstruction and is linked to the attainment of an AQF qualification or statement ofattainment (for example, a certificate, diploma or a university degree).B. Non-formal learning refers to learning that takes place through a structured program ofinstruction, but does not lead to the attainment of an AQF qualification or statement ofattainment (for example, in-house professional development programs conducted by abusiness); andC. Informal learning refers to learning that results from experience of work-related, social, family,hobby or leisure activities (for example the acquisition of interpersonal skills developedthrough several years as a sales representative).Recognition therefore determines the subsequent advanced standing to which the student isentitled in relation to a course/qualification. The major focus of Recognition is what has beenlearned rather than how, where or when it was learned. Recognition focuses on both thedemonstration of competence and the currency of that competence to industry standards.It is important to note, it is the student’s responsibility to document and present evidence tojustify a claim for recognition and present their case to the satisfaction of the Assessor.Any documents that you provide to support your claim of competency must be certified copies. Itis also expected that any evidence submitted is your own and if any part of the work is the work ofothers, that this is formally acknowledged and advised.Recognition DecisionRegardless of the type of evidence that you submit, Assessors must be confident that the evidencemeets the following criteria:● Full requirements of the Unit of Competency(s)● Any regulatory requirements● Authenticity - That it is your own evidence and can be authenticated● That you can perform the competency consistently and reliably● Is at the standard expected in industry and set out in the Australian QualificationFramework (AQF)● Sufficiency - There is sufficient evidence to make a judgmentACFA Student Handbook 26 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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ACFA is committed to ensuring that all judgments made by assessors against the samecompetency standards are consistent. Your Assessor will examine the evidence that you presentand then make a judgment on that evidence which will be either:● Competent (C) - you have been deemed competent against all the requirements of theUnit/s of Competency● Not Yet Competent (NYC) - you have not yet demonstrated competency to all requirements.Your assessor will advise you what you can do if you receive a NYC for your assessment task. If youare deemed NYC in your initial assessment, you are allowed a second attempt. However, if you aredeemed NYC in the second attempt, you will be required to re-enrol. Please talk to your assessor ifyou have any concerns.For further information on Recognition, please seeACFA Recognition policyCredit Transfer / Mutual RecognitionACFA recognises the AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other RegisteredTraining Organisations (RTOs). This is commonly referred to as Credit Transfer or MutualRecognition. Credit Transfer is applicable when a Statement of Attainment or qualificationprovided by a student has the same national competency codes as those that form part of thetraining and assessment program within which the student is enrolled or is intending to enrol.Students are required to formally apply for Credit Transfer/Mutual Recognition. With CreditTransfer/Mutual Recognition students are not required to undertake learning in the unit/s again,the student is exempt.Trainer and AssessorsAll Trainers and Assessors are qualified in training and assessment and the vocational area whichthey are delivering. They have practical experience and maintain their currency in industry as perrequirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.Please be advised that Trainers and Assessors may change throughout the course of your trainingdue to staffing, demographics and other matters the management team at ACFA cannot foresee. Iffor any reason ACFA needs to make a change with their Training and Assessment team, the aim isto do this as a smooth transition to avoid disruption to the student’s learning.ACFA Student Handbook 27 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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SECTION 4POLICIESAccess and EquityAustralian Cabinet and Furniture Association (ACFA) is committed to providing equal opportunityfor all staff and learners by promoting inclusive practices and integrating the principles of accessand equity into its policies and procedures.For further information, see ACFA Access & Equity PolicyAppealsACFA acknowledges that clients have the right to appeal an assessment decision, based on validgrounds for appeal. ACFA has provision for clients to appeal against assessment decisions,including those made by a third party partner. ACFA ensures that clients have access to a fair and equitable process for lodging an appealagainst an assessment decision. ACFA will manage appeals by implementing principles of naturaljustice and procedural fairness. For further information, see ACFA Assessment and Appeals Policy.Student RecordsACFA maintains an individual student file for every student who undertakes any form of trainingand assessment with us. This file contains records regarding your personal details provided to us,any training and assessment undertaken and completed. This file is available to you. ACFAmaintains a systematic, compliant approach to the efficient reporting and effective managementof all records.In accordance with privacy laws and confidentiality requirements, your file is kept in a lockedcupboard. Only those ACFA personnel who need to have access to your file for training andassessment purposes can access it.No other person can and will have access to your personal student file without your prior writtenpermission.If you would like access to your personal records simply contact the Training Manager.ComplaintsACFA acknowledges the client’s right to lodge a complaint when they are dissatisfied with thetraining and /or assessment services and experiences that they have been provided by ACFA. ACFA will ensure that clients have access to a fair and equitable process for expressing complaints,and that ACFA will manage the complaint by implementing principles of natural justice andprocedural fairness. For further information, see ACFA Complaints PolicyACFA Student Handbook 28 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Course FeesACFA has developed a fair and equitable process for determining course fees, refunds andpayment options.Flexible payment optionsACFA accepts various methods of payment for course fees. Payment for courses can be made inthe form of Visa card, MasterCard or Direct Deposit.Course fees are payable in advance and enrolments are considered tentative until payment isreceived.Smart and Skilled – Click to access the NSW Fee Administration PolicyPaper based learning guidesLearners may request hard copies of learning guides and assessment workbooks for a fee of $500per year. An invoice will be created for the printed resources and once paid, the printed resourceswill be sent to students prior to assessment visits.Outstanding Learner Feesa. Non-payment of fees by the due date for continuing enrolments will result in suspension oftraining. ACFA will notify all parties in writing of suspension. Once payment has beenfinalised parties will be notified of the recommencement of training.b. ACFA will charge a recommencement fee for any suspended training to coveradministration costs.c. ACFA will not issue SOAs or Certificates if training fees are outstanding.d. ACFA will inform learners of its process for the recovery of outstanding learner fees priorenrolment through the fee administration policy.Cancellation & TransfersEnrolment cancellation / withdrawal / deferral / amendmentStudents who wish to withdraw/cancel/defer/amend their course are required to complete a CourseWithdrawal Amend form.Student TransfersTransfer to another “Course” – Should a student wish to transfer to another course, they need tomake the request in writing a minimum of one week in advance. The transfer is subject to courseavailability.RTO Cancellation of coursesIt is NOT ACFA normal policy to cancel scheduled training programs.Click to access further details - of Records on Ceasing OperationAustralian Cabinet and Furniture Association (ACFA) acknowledges that it has a responsibility toretain accurate copies of records to enable these to be transferred to ASQA should ACFA ceased tooperate. It is a requirement that RTOs who ceased to operate, must within 30 days of registrationending, forward to ASQA an electronic copy of the records for each student who were enrolled in acourse during the period of registration.ACFA Student Handbook 29 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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This requirement does not include hard copy student files and relates specifically to electronic dataproviding evidence of activities the student has performed. For the purposes of this policy, ACFAwill interpret “activities” to mean records providing information on the outcomes achieved bystudents. This will include records of qualifications and units of competency that have been issuedby ACFA during the entirety of its registration period. ACFA will retain these records electronicallyand file them under RTO Reporting, AVETMISS. Information will be provided in the form of thefollowing AVETMISS reports in consultation with ASQA.Equal OpportunityACFA is committed to equal opportunity policies and principles, as they affect students andemployees to ensure the elimination of discrimination and harassment.Rights and ResponsibilitiesACFA has a legal and moral obligation to provide equal opportunity in employment and a learningenvironment free from harassment for employees, contractors and students.ACFA is committed to providing an environment which recognises and respects the diversity ofemployees, contractors and students. ACFA is committed to providing a work and studyenvironment free from harassment, vilification and bullying and supports the rights of allemployees, contractors and students to work and study in a safe and healthy environment freefrom such behaviour.ACFA will:● Ensure that employees, contractors and students understand that these types of actionsand behaviour will not be tolerated in the work/study environment.● Request that any behaviour which could be considered harassment, vilification or bullyingcease immediately.All employees, contractors and students have a role to play in eliminating harassment, vilificationand bullying by not encouraging or showing support for harassment, vilification or bullying aimedat work or study colleagues. This can be achieved by:● Refusing to join in with these types of actions and behaviours.● Supporting the person in saying no to these behaviours.● Acting as a witness if the person being harassed decides to lodge a complaint.If an employee, contractor or student feels harassed, vilified or bullied, the employee, contractor orstudent is encouraged to inform the person where the behaviour is unwanted, unacceptableand/or offensive. If the employee, contractor or student feels unable to approach the person, or ifthe behaviour continues following their request that the behaviour cease, the Director should becontacted.As a student of ACFA, you have the responsibility to:● Act to prevent harassment, discrimination and victimization against others● Respect differences among other staff, students and contractors, such as cultural and socialdiversity● Treat people fairly, without discrimination, harassment or victimisation● Refuse to join in with these behaviours● Supporting the person in saying no to these behaviours● Acting as a witness if the person being harassed decides to lodge a complaint.Following is a list of areas that ACFA will not tolerate, if you need clarification on what these meanplease go to ACFA’s Access and Equity Policy attached here.ACFA Student Handbook 30 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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● Discrimination● Harassment, Vilification and Bullying● Harassment● Vilification● Bullying● Sexual harassment● Forms of sexual harassmentComplaints● ACFA encourages informal resolutions of discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying andviolence, victimisation, and vilification grievances in the first instance, as close to the sourceas possible, with the option of conciliation or investigation of the complaint if necessary.● ACFA will investigate complaints in a confidential manner. Action will be taken to ensurethat the discrimination/harassment stops. Appropriate warning or disciplinary action will betaken where harassment is found to have occurred.● ACFA staff responsible for advising, conciliating or investigating a complaint will act fairlyand impartially. They will act without bias and avoid any conflict of interest. The respondentwill be given a fair opportunity to know the case against him or her and will be given theopportunity to make a considered response.● All staff, clients and contractors involved with the ACFA complaint procedures will betreated with respect and courtesy. Enquiries and complaints will be dealt with in asensitive, equitable, fair, and confidential manner. All attempts will be made to deal withmatters expeditiously while ensuring all parties are provided with sufficient time to prepareand or respond.● ACFA acknowledges that it is of paramount importance and in the best interests of allparties that confidentiality is maintained during these procedures.● ACFA encourages the reporting of behaviour that breaches equal opportunity policy, butwill not tolerate vexatious or frivolous complaints. (See ACFA’s Complaints Policy andAppeals Policy)PrivacyACFA is committed to providing quality training and assessment in accordance with the Standardsfor Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) 2015. As an RTO, ACFA is obliged to maintain effectiveadministrative and records management systems. This involves the collection and retention ofpersonal information from students in secure student records.ACFA abides by the Privacy Act and respects students, staff and trainer / assessors’ right to privacy.All staff must be scrupulous in using student information only for the purposes for which it wasgathered. All students have access to their own records at all times.For further information, see ACFA Privacy PolicyACFA Student Handbook 31 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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Refund PolicyPayment of all refunds, to students who are entitled to a refund, are in accordance with thefollowing ACFA Refund PolicyWorkplace Health and Safety (WHS)ACFA is committed to providing quality training and assessment in accordance with the Standardsfor Registered Training Organisations (SRTOs 2015). As such, ACFA is required to comply withrelevant Federal, State and Territory laws, including that relating to Workplace Health and Safety.The purpose of this policy is to ensure ACFA complies with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 andregulatory requirements that are relevant to its operation and Scope of Registration.ACFA recognises its responsibility under the Workplace Health and Safety and related regulations.The Director has responsibility for ensuring the health and safety of staff, students, contractors andvisitors. This includes:● ACFA uses a consultative and participative approach with employees regarding WorkplaceHealth and Safety.● ACFA considers Risk Management a top priority in all activities on and off site and WHS is akey element of this risk management. Communication within all levels of the organisationensures everything from clearly marked exits to spill signage and evacuation plans form thebasis of a comprehensive approach.● The CEO of ACFA conducts bi-annual Safety Risk Audits and enters any identified Actionsinto the Continuous Improvements Register. This includes an Action Date and a DateClosed so that the Administrative Officer can follow up any issues with the CEO.● ACFA at all times plans for and monitors its employees and clients wherever they areworking. ● Evaluation of WHS matters are discussed in the regular meetings.● ACFA always provides ergonomic equipment.● Safe use of equipment is discussed at regular staff meetings.● Safe plants and equipment are provided and maintained by ACFA.● Environmental protection is an ACFA concern including disposal of various types ofmaterials from the administrative areas to industrial waste where relevant.Duty of CareACFA is committed to taking practicable steps to provide and maintain a safe and healthy workand learning environment for all staff, students, and contractors. Specific responsibilities are shownbelow.ACFA Student Handbook 32 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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ACFA Management:● Are responsible for the effective implementation and regular review of this WHS policy.● Must observe, implement and fulfil responsibilities under legislation that applies to WHSand endeavour to comply with relevant standards and codes of practice.● Must ensure that the agreed procedures for regular consultation between managementand staff are followed.● Monitors the WHS management policies and procedures. Outcomes of WHS monitoringare used to help maintain appropriate risk controls. The effectiveness of these risk controlsand this monitoring and review process is linked to ACFA Continuous Improvementprocesses● Are responsible for ensuring that a WHS management system is implemented.Staff, contractors, students and visitors:● Have a duty to themselves and others.● Have a responsibility to cooperate with all WHS processes.● Have a responsibility to comply with relevant ACFA WHS management system policies andprocedures.● Must not bypass or misuse systems or equipment provided for WHS purposes.● Must report any unsafe conditions which come to their attention to the Director.Accidents, Injuries and Near MissesAll incidents and near misses are required to be reported immediately. See your trainer/assessor oradministration personnel to report any issues.ACFA will ensure that the injured person receives appropriate first aid and/or medical treatment assoon as possible and will investigate to reasonably prevent a recurrence.ACFA is also committed to ensuring that injury management activities commence as soon aspossible after injury and that every effort is made to provide suitable and meaningful dutiesconsistent with the nature of the injury or illness, after seeking appropriate medical judgement.Students and employees are expected to take care to prevent work-related injuries to themselvesand to others.Investigating incidents and accidentsThe Training Manager is responsible for investigating incidents and accidents.Following the report of an incident (near miss) or accident (and after first aid and other injurymanagement processes have been implemented), the Training Manager will immediatelyundertake an investigation.ACFA Student Handbook 33 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA

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The process for investigations may include.● Interview all people involved in the accident or incident and witnesses.● Use the risk management approach to help understand the underlying hazards thatcaused the incident or accident and whether controls failed, were insufficient or wereabsent.● Listen to recommendations of people involved in the incident or accident about what isrequired to prevent such incidents or accidents in the future.● Analyse results of investigation and document recommended courses of action forevaluation by the Director.● Once action is approved, communicate outcomes and planned actions.Legislations and StandardsAll Nationally Recognised Training courses / qualifications will be delivered in line with thestandards set by the Australian Skills Quality Authority and relevant Federal, State, and Territoryauthorities. All ACFA Employees are expected to promote and embrace ACFA’s standards, policiesand procedures. At ACFA, we meet the relevant Commonwealth and State legislationrequirements as well as the RTO standards.LegislationsThe relevant legislation and standards include:●National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011● Student Identifiers Act 2014● Privacy Act 1988● Freedom of Information Act 1982● Copyright Act 1968● Racial Discrimination Act 1975● Disability Discrimination Act 1992● Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986● Work Health Safety Act 2011State based VET Legislation includes:● Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2010 (NSW)● Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001 (NSW)● Work Health Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW)● Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic)You may view and download these Acts at the Australasian Legal Information Institute( website, which provides free online access to Australian Government, Stateand Territory case law and legislation.Standards● AQF Framework● VET Quality Framework● Standards for RTO’s 2015● National Vocational Education and Training Regulator (Data Provision Requirements)Instrument 2020Note: Amendment Bills may have been passed since this has been published.ACFA Student Handbook 34 of 34 Next Review Date: 31/07/2025Version: v2.3 (17/07/2024) Authorised by: Compliance CoordinatorNote: Uncontrolled when printed! (RTO Code – 90432) Approved by ACFA